Nothing is impossible with EliCoach. Let me introduce you to my client Frédéric, he is one of the people who has difficulty gaining just 1 gram by eating anything and […]
Before/After +11 Pounds on 2 Months

Nothing is impossible with EliCoach. Let me introduce you to my client Frédéric, he is one of the people who has difficulty gaining just 1 gram by eating anything and […]
Maxim lost 33 pounds in just 3 months, which makes us 11 pounds per month and 2.75 pounds per week. With our training and a good diet, he was able […]
MIXE ZEN, est un concept alliant plusieurs cours de gym douce existants. MIXE ZEN est un mélange de Pilates, Yoga, Balance, Stretching et Relaxation. Le but de cette animation est d’amener […]
L’hypertrophie musculaire??? – Est la méthode la plus simple pour faire du volume musculaire. Exemple: 10 séries de 10 répétions -À entre 70 et 85% de votre 1RM Exemple: -4 […]